Configuring E-Mail in Android Phones

Below is the E-mail configuration using Email App
The following instructions will configure an Android smartphone as an IMAP client. 
This configuration will require: 
                           Username = This is the same as your e-mail address (i.e. 
                           Password = This is the same password used to access your e-mail account. 
                           Incoming Server = (insert your domain where it is highlighted) If you prefer to use POP, please see step 8 on page 5. 
                           Outgoing Server (SMTP) = (insert your domain name where it is highlighted) 
Below is the information on Outlook configuration from your Mobile:

Step 1: Open your Outlook mobile app from your smartphone.


Step 2: Click the get started option.

Step 3: Now you go to configure your own domain email id so skip your google account.


Step 4: Enter your valid email ID on add account section



Step 5: Now your email account is verification is going on.

Step 6: Once the verification is gets completed then provide the password and description ( nickname ). And click the tick option.

Step 7:  In case you're facing any error after clicking the tick option. Provide the server name as mail.yourdomain

Step 8: After providing the server name disable advanced settings then click the tick option.


 Follow the below step for configuring your Webmail to Android mobile,
 Step 1: Touch the E-Mail icon to configure your e-mail settings. This is located either on your home screen or customized screens or in the Apps icon which shows all of your apps in one place. 

Note: Not all Android screens look the same. This tutorial will utilize the stock e-mail app that comes with Android.

 Step 2: Select the three vertical dots at the top-right of the screen. This will bring down the drop-down menu. Then choose Settings.

 Step 3: Select Manage accounts

 Step 4: Click the “+” icon located to the left of the trash icon.

 Step 5: Select Others.

 Step 6:  Type in your e-mail address and the password associated with it.

 Step 7:  Choose a IMAP account.
If you would like to use POP3, choose POP3 account.

 Step 8: Input your e-mail address in both the Email address and Username fields. Input the password associated with your e-mail address.
- For IMAP server, input, where the highlighted portion is your own domain name. 
- Security type should automatically be set to None. 
- Port should automatically be set to 143. 
- IMAP path prefix is not necessary. 
- If you chose POP3 account in the previous step, input In the POP server field, the port will automatically be set to 110. 
Select Next.


 Step 9:  For SMTP server, input, where the highlighted portion is your own domain name. 
- Port should be set to 587.
- Require sign-in is checked. 
- Username is your e-mail address. 
- The password is the password associated with the email address. 
Select Next.

 Step 10: It will take several seconds to check the outgoing server settings. After that screen, you will be able to configure how often your e-mail syncs and other settings.
Select Next.

 Step 11:  You may give your account any name and customize what is name is displayed on outgoing messages, You have successfully set up an e-mail account on your Android phone! 
If you need any additional assistance, please contact us at

How to test PHP email functionality

You can test PHP SMTP functions with the following two examples.
1. Normally PHP mail function without any authentication:

$from = "";
$mail_result ="Mail failed";
$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n";
$headers .= "Content-type:text/html;charset=iso-8859-1" . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'From: ' . $from . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'Reply-To: ' .$from . "\r\n";
$headers .= 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();
$to = "";
$subject = "Mail sending from files";

if (mail($to,$subject,$body,$headers))
echo "mail sent" ;
echo "mail not sent" ;

2. SMTP PHP mailer function with authentication email id and password: 

We strongly recommend using an SMTP relay that requires authentication. Sending mail through unauthenticated SMTP servers (including the localhost relay on Cloud Sites) can result in delays or undelivered email due to stringent anti-spam filters.

Download the below links,

and unzip the file, Then provide the proper mail details in Sendingmail.php file.

$hostname = "mail.domainname";
$SendingEmail = "Your_Email_ID";
$SendingPwd = "Your_secret_Email_Password";
$To = "To_address";
$Subject = "Subject";
$body = "Body";
$port = "465";

$mail = new PHPMailer();

$mail->IsSMTP(); // set mailer to use SMTP
$mail->Host = $hostname; // specify main and backup server
$mail->SMTPAuth = true; // turn on SMTP authentication
$mail->Username = $SendingEmail; // SMTP username
$mail->Password = $SendingPwd; // SMTP password
$mail->Port = $port;
$mail->SMTPDebug = 2;
$mail->From = $SendingEmail;
$mail->FromName = "support";
$mail->SMTPSecure = "tls";
$mail->WordWrap = 50; // set word wrap to 50 characters
$mail->IsHTML(false); // set email format to HTML
$mail->Subject = $Subject;
$mail->Body = $Body;

echo "Message could not be sent.";
echo "Mailer Error: " . $mail->ErrorInfo;

echo "Message has been sent $To from $SendingEmail \n";
Hostname in SMTP mail function:
You are connecting your domain,  just give the mail.domain otherwise your are configuring any other email.
For example, take as Gmail account  
$hostname = "ssl://";
$mail->Host = $hostname; // specify main and backup server
Port number in SMTP mail function:
Without an SSL connection, 

SMTP server port for outgoing: 25 / 587

With an SSL connection, 

SMTP server port for outgoing: 465 

$port = "465";
$mail->Port = $port;
HTML or NON-HTML in SMTP mail function:
If you send mail with HTML or without HTML check once, If you're sending normal text mail. But in SMTP configuration your enabling the IsHTML is tue. The mail will reached to spam folder. 
$mail->IsHTML(false); // set email format to HTML
So make sure you send mail with HTML tag or NOT.
Kindly provide the proper login details and check it.
Note: Mail.php is a PEAR module and is installed on the server. It is included in the default include_path for PHP, so requiring it here will work by default without any additional effort on your part.

Outlook E-Mail Configuration


Step 1: Open Outlook and select File > Account Settings > Account Settings.

Step 2: click the Add Account option to configure the new email account.

Step 3: Select the method of the configuration of your email account IMAP or POP.

IMAP: The Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) is a mail protocol used for accessing email on a remote web server from a local client. From IMAP is not download to your local computer once you delete the mail from your local computer it’s deleted from the server also.

POP: Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3) is a standard mail protocol used to receive emails from a remote server to a local email client. POP3 allows you to download email messages on your local computer and read them even when you are offline.

Step 4: Provide the proper login details and incoming and outgoing mail service.

Non SSL email settings

The following settings are not Secure settings. Use this only if you cannot use the SSL settings. Otherwise, you will want to use the SSL setup. Note that you will need to change "" to your domain name.

Email Address: Your full e-mail address
Incoming Server: mail.yourdomainname
Outgoing Server: mail.yourdomainname
Username: Your full e-mail address
Password: Your e-mail account password
Incoming Port: POP3 110 or IMAP 143
Outgoing Mail server (SMTP) Port: 587
SMTP Authentication Required
Secure Authentication or SPA needs to be turned off

SSL email settings

Below is an example of the recommended Secure settings. The SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol is for connecting to your server securely to prevent network "snoopers" from seeing your data over the network connection.

Email Address: Your full e-mail address
Incoming Server: mail.yourdomainname
Outgoing Server: mail.yourdomainname
Username: Your full e-mail address
Password: Your e-mail account password
Incoming Port: POP3 995 or IMAP 993
Outgoing Mail server (SMTP) Port: 465
SMTP Authentication Required

Secure Authentication or SPA needs to be turned off

Step 5 : Once all the login credential updated the properly and click the More settings on the right side croner .

Step 6: Click the Outgoing server section and select the My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication.

Step 7: Click the Advanced section. Then provide Incoming server Port number respective POP3 or IMAP and Outgoing server Port number respective SMTP.

NOTE: Click the check box Leave a copy of messages on the server. After the configuration completed. All the email is transferred to the local computer If you want one more copy of the mail clicks the checkbox. In case disk space not sufficient for the emails then you uncheck that option.

Step 8: Click the OK button and then Click on the NEXT option.

Step 9: At last click on finish option.
Related Email configuration:
Refer the below links for email configuration in Thunderbird,
Refer the below links for email configuration in Android,
Refer the below links for email configuration in Gmail,

Email configuration setting for POP3 Account?

Email account type POP3

Incoming mail server: mail.yourdomainname

Incoming server port#: 110

Outgoing mail server (SMTP ): mail.yourdomainname

Outgoing server port# (SMTP): 25


Email account type IMAP

Incoming mail server: mail.yourdomainname

Outgoing mail server (SMTP ): mail.yourdomainname

Incoming Port#:

Without SSL – 143

With SSL – 993

Outgoing Port#:

Without SSL – One of the following: 25, 26, 587

With SSL – 465


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Step 1: Open the thunderbird application or any other email clients. The settings mostly looks same.

Click on Edit option go to Account settings

Step 2: In the account settings enter your Email address and password and  click on the button “Done”

Step 3: After clicking on the option Done Click on the option Manual configuration settings.



Step 4: Follow the below Manual configuration settings


Incoming mail server: mail.yourdomainname

Incoming server port#: 110

Outgoing mail server (SMTP ): mail.yourdomainname

Outgoing server port# (SMTP): 587

As you see in the below Image.


Step 5: After Configuration Click on the Option Done as you see in the above image.

Finally, you are done with POP3 Configuration in Thunderbird.


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Related Email configuration:

Refer the below links for email configuration in Outlook,

Refer the below links for email configuration in Android,

Refer the below links for email configuration in Gmail,