cPanel Price hike and its impact on prices
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cPanel Price hike and its impact on prices
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<strong>Date : 24-07-2019</strong><br/><br/>cPanel Price hike and its impact on prices <br/><br/>Message from CEO, <a href=""><b>HostingRaja</b></a><br/><br/>cPanel price hike and its impact on prices <br/><br/>cPanel is the most popular control panel used to manage your shared hosting account. I am sure, you might have heard about the recent cPanel price hike and their account/website based billing. Recently cPanel has increased the licensing cost of it is software way too high, In some cases, the price increase is about 800% to 1000%. This is very much unfortunate and unexpected from cPanel. <br/><br/>cPanel now charges additional $0.20 per account/website hosted. Example, If you are hosting around 5 websites, then it costs around $1 after the price hike. This increase in price is ONLY for cPanel license cost.<br/><br/>You can read more from: <br/><br/><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a><br/><br/><br/>Massive cPanel price rises<br/><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a><br/><br/>cPanel announced a massive price increase and a complete change to their billing model, by adding an additional layer of billing per account Read More, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a><br/><br/>From cPanel website: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a><br/><br/>To cover the increase in the cPanel cost, We will be charging you some amount per account. <br/><br/>Who all are affected in this ?<br/><br/>Reseller hosting customers are affected most. For example, If you have around 50 websites hosted with us, then you have to pay some additional amount for 50 accounts <br/>Linux Shared hosting account - Whoever hosting more than one account <br/>VPS/Server customers whoever is using more than 1 website using cPanel. If you are using<a href=""><b> OVIPanel</b></a> or HRPanel, There is no increase in price.<br/>The whole hosting industry is in bit shocking mode now, Most of the companies are not sure about how to proceed with price increase. You can expect a definite price increase from all the hosting companies, though none of us are clear about the price increase as of now.<br/><br/>We strongly recommend you to login to your<a href="/cpanel-article/how-to-create-a-cpanel-account-in-whm"><b> cPanel account</b></a> and start deleting all unwanted accounts or dead or expired accounts immediately. This will help you to save cost.<br/><br/>How are we going to proceed with price hike ?<br/><br/>We are not very clear about the execution now, We might send you a separate invoice every month based on number of accounts hosted with us. We will be very happy to give you 15 days time to make the payment, On failure to make the payment the website gets automatically suspended.<br/><br/>Can you provide alternate control panel to avoid this price hike ?<br/><br/>Yes, We will be very happy to provide alternate control panel. You can check with our sales team.
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Updated about 2 months ago