How to block a specific IP address from accessing the website

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How to block a specific IP address from accessing the website

If you've got annoying website visitors, spammers, or site scrapers you'll find it helpful to block these users from accessing your site content. You'll be able to block unauthorized unhealthy users by their IP address with the help of a .htaccess file. Before you begin, you need to have the FTP login details, an FTP client, and the Plain text editor. At the lower part of the screen, there will be the IP Blocker page, you'll see a segment called Currently-Blocked IP Addresses. This gives a rundown of IP addresses that are right now blocked from getting to your server. To lift access limitations, utilize the Delete button close to every IP address or reach.

How to block a specific IP address from accessing the website

Steps to block a specific IP address from accessing the website:

Secure directories by IP address and domain:

In the below example, all the IP addresses and domains are acceptable, except for 123.456.789 and

# allow all except those indicated here

<Files *>

order allow,deny

allow from all

deny from 123.456.789

deny from .*abcdef\.co.*


In the below example, all the IP addresses are denied access except only for 123.456.789 and

# Deny access to everyone, except those listed here:

<Files *>

order deny,allow

deny from all

allow from 123.456.789

allow from .*abcdef\.co.*


In the below example you will find the steps to block inappropriate visitors based on the domain name. Simply replace "abcdef20″ and "abcdef30″ along with the offending domains of your requirement:

# block visitors referred from indicated domains

RewriteEngine on

RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} abcdef20\.co [NC,OR]

RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} abcdef30\.co [NC]

RewriteRule .* - [F]