How to configure the MIME types in cPanel?
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<strong>How to configure the MIME types in cPanel?</strong>
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<strong>What do you mean by MIME types in cpanel?</strong>
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MIME represents Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. MIME types form a standard method of organizing the file types on the web. The MIME type indicates the browser about the file kind and how the file will be served to the user. Internet programs
like <a href="">web servers</a> and browsers all have a list of MIME types. So that they will shift the files of the constant type within the same method. It does not make any difference what
sort of operating system they are working on. MIME types exchange different kinds of data files on the Internet: text, audio, video, images, application programs, and others.
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Although MIME was designed primarily for SMTP. The content types defined by MIME standards are of importance in communication protocols outside the email, like HTTP for the World Wide Web. Servers insert the MIME header at the beginning of the Web
<p dir="ltr">
cPanel hosting is taken into consideration as one of the best hosting solutions by most of the internet professionals. The cPanel is the fully automated point-and-click <a href="">hosting</a> platform that clearly presents
itself as one of the great control panels for each and every user.
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<strong>Steps to configure the MIME types in cPanel:</strong>
<p dir="ltr">Step-1: Login to cpanel</p>
<p dir="ltr">Step-2: Click MIME types in the Advanced section of the cPanel home screen.</p>
<p dir="ltr">
<img src="" alt="create-mime-type" width="414" height="311" />
<p dir="ltr">Step-3: Type the MIME type that you want to add in the MIME type text box.</p>
<p dir="ltr"> </p>
<p dir="ltr">Step-4: In the Extensions text box, type the file extension or extensions that you want to add for the MIME type.</p>
<p dir="ltr">
<img src="" alt="create-mime-extn" width="357" height="343" />
<p dir="ltr">Step-5: Click on the Add button</p>
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<img src="" alt="add-mime-types" width="368" height="507" />
<p dir="ltr">Finally, your mime type will be added and will look like the below screenshot.</p>
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<img src="" alt="added-mime-types-success" width="268" height="386" />
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Updated 15 days ago