how to install wordpress on cpanel

Installing WordPress on cPanel

A Step-by-Step Guide with HostingRaja

WordPress is one of the most commonly used content management systems used worldwide. And, cPanel is one of the most popular web hosting control panels. Together, they make hosting your website as easy as baking. So, I thought I’d try and simplify the process of installing WordPress on cPanel, for both seasoned web enthusiasts and beginners alike.

This article covers the following in detail; standard and manual WordPress installations, setting up WordPress on a subdomain, and installing themes through cPanel. Let's dive into the world of WordPress and cPanel, and start building your online presence today.

What Do You Need Before Installing WordPress on cPanel?

Installing your WordPress site on cPanel is not the first step of being online. Before you start the installation process, there are a few things you should know. This preparation is essential for a smooth and efficient installation. Make sure you everything mentioned below :

Step 1: A Hosting Account with cPanel Access: Almost all web hosting providers will offer a cPanel with their hosting plans. They will provide you with the login credentials for your cPanel account. You can contact your hosting provider for assistance if you don’t have the credentials.

Step 2: Domain Name: Your domain name acts as your website’s address on the internet(eg. If you don’t have a domain name yet, you should register one and link it to your hosting account.

Step 3: A Stable Internet Connection: While this might seem obvious, a stable internet connection is vital to prevent any interruptions during the installation process.

Step 4: Basic Understanding of cPanel: It is helpful to have some familiarity with navigating through cPanel. If you’re new to cPanel, don’t worry; I’ll guide you through the necessary steps.

Step 5: Once these requirements are in place, you can start the installation process.

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Standard WordPress Installation on cPanel

Installing WordPress on cPanel is straightforward, thanks to auto-installers like Softaculous. These tools automate the process, making it user-friendly even for beginners. Here's how to do it:

1:Log into Your cPanel Account: Your hosting provider will provide you with a link to access your cPanel (eg. Log in to your account by entering your username and password.

2: Locate the WordPress Installer: Scroll down to the 'Software' or 'Softaculous Apps Installer' section in your cPanel dashboard. Click on the WordPress icon.

3: Start the Installation Process: Click on the 'Install Now' button. This will open the following WordPress installation wizard.

4: Fill in the Details:

  • Choose the domain where you want to install WordPress.
  • You can leave the directory field blank to install WordPress in the root directory. If you wish to install it in a subfolder, specify the folder name (e.g.,
  • It is incredibly extensible with Plugins
  • Create an admin username, password, and email. This should go without saying but ensure you have a strong password for security.

5:Advanced Options (Optional): You have the option to configure the database name, table prefix, and backup options if you need them. If you’re a beginner, I suggest using the default settings.

6:Install: Click on the 'Install' button. The installer will run and set up WordPress on your cPanel. You’ll get a confirmation screen with your website’s URL and admin login URL once it is successfully installed.

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Manual WordPress Installation in cPanel

Installing WordPress using Softaculous was pretty easy, right? But sometimes, you might need to install WordPress manually, especially if your hosting provider doesn’t support an auto-installer. Follow the following steps to install WordPress in cPanel manually.

1:Download WordPress: Download the latest version of WordPress from their official website (

2:Upload WordPress to Your Hosting Account:

  • Log into your cPanel account.
  • Go to the 'File Manager' and open the public_html directory or the folder where you want to install WordPress.
  • Upload the file you downloaded and then extract it. If you extracted it into a folder, move the files to the public_html director or any installation directory depending on your needs.

3:Create a MySQL Database and User:

  • In cPanel, go to the 'MySQL Databases' section.
  • Create a new database for WordPress.
  • Create a new MySQL user and assign it to the database with full privileges.

4: Install WordPress.

  • Open a new browser tab and go to your domain (e.g.,
  • You'll be greeted with the WordPress installation setup. Select your language and click 'Continue'.
  • Enter the database details (database name, username, password) you created earlier.
  • Click 'Submit', and then 'Run the installation'.
  • Fill in the necessary site information (site title, admin username, password, email) and complete the installation.

5:Complete the Installation:

      • Once you have filled in all the details, click 'Install WordPress'.
      • After the installation is complete, you will receive a success message with a link to log into your WordPress dashboard.
      • While manual installation is a bit complicated compared to automatic installation, it offers a lot more control over the installation process. It’s also a great opportunity to learn and understand how WordPress works behind the scenes.

Step 2: Open the File manager >> and upload the file from your Local Computer.

If you are going to install WordPress For the Primary Domain Name then you need to Upload your File In the default directory “public_html”

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Step 3: Click on the Upload >> select the file which has to be uploaded >> After Once upload you need to Extract the File in the File Manager.

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Method 2: Upload the file in your File manager Using FTP.

You can connect your Hosting account Directory using the FTP.

The required FTP Details

Host: server ip(You can refer the server details, in your welcome email)

User: MyUserName

Pass: MyPass

Port: 21 By default the Port number will be 21, Some case if you are using SFTP the port will be 22.

You can use the Filezilla tool to connect your hosting account using the FTP, you can refer the Below screen

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Now the file is Uploaded into the File manager.

Step 3: After the file is uploaded in file manager >> Extract the file from File Manager. To extract the file follow the below steps :

Step 3.1: Go to file manager >> to public_html or the directory where you have uploaded the file, >> right-click on the folder

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Step 3.2: Select and click-on Extract from the menu as shown in the above figure.

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Step 3.3: after you click on extract >> you need to enter the directory to which the files should be extracted >> and click on extract files to extract the files >> Once you click in the Extract File it will be extracted as below >> click on close and proceed to the next step

Step 4: Now we have Extracted the File Successfully, But if you check the Screen the File will be extracted in public_html/WordPress. So You have to access the website by

To move the files from the Wordpress to the domain_name directory /public_html, Follow the below steps:

Step 4.1: To Move the Files From Wordpress Directory to Public_html which is parent Directory., You need to Select all the Files from the public_html/WordPress and click on Move as shown below

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Step 4.2: After you click on move files, select the path >> So that the Wordpress Files will move. You need to enter the Parent Directory “Public_html” if its a primary domain >> and click on move files.Now we have Successfully moved the File to the Parent Directory.

Step 5: Next, Create a Database and its User.

To Install the Wordpress Website You need a Database So now we will Create the Database and Database User.

Step 5.1: Login to the Cpanel ===> Mysql Databases

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Step 5.2: You can enter the Databases name as you wish you can give any or project name.You can refer the below screen.

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Step 5.3: Once creating a Database now you need to create Database User.

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You can also generate the password using the password generator.

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Step 5.4: Now the Database and its User is created, the next thing to connect Database with its username, You can refer the below screen and add the database

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Step 5.5: We are adding the database and its username for assigning the Privileges to DB.

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Now we have done with creating the Database and its username and assigned Necessary privileges for the DB.

Step 6: The last step is to configure this wp-config file in File manager.

Step 6.1: Open the File manager >> Edit the Wp-config.php file.

You may not find the file wp-config.php so you need to Rename the file wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.php as shown in the below screen.

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Step 6.2: Rename the File to wp-config.php

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Step 6.3: After Renaming it, you need to edit the file wp-config.php >>Click on Edit

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Click on Edit

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Step 6.4: Now you need to do the Changes in your wp-config file.

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Step 6.5: You can replace the Values with your Database details and click on save.

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Now the Setup is done, you can access the domain name you will see the below screen.

Step 7: Install the Wordpress in Domain name

URL: http://domainname/wp-admin/install.php

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Step 7.1: Click on continue and follow the next steps. Enter all the details and click on the install WordPress will be installed.

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Step 7.2: WordPress is successfully installed.`

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Following the above steps, you can manually install WordPress for your domain

You can also easily install WordPress using softaculous Apps installer. Refer to the below steps to install WordPress for domain

Steps to install WordPress on cPanel by using one-click installer 'Softaculous apps installer’ :

Step 1: Login into your cPanel.

Step 2: On the Software Section >> Select Softaculous App Installer.


Step 3: Click on the WordPress icon, this will open several options like features, overview, and steps to install WordPress.


Step 4: The brief overview, features are given about WordPress. Click on Install to get the details of WordPress installation.


Step 5: Complete the WordPress setup information. The below necessary required information you need to be filled.

Choose Protocol: If your website has installed SSL certificate, then choose 'HTTPS', if not choose 'HTTP' protocol.

Choose Domain: If your hosting panel has multiple domains, then choose the name of the domain which you would like to install WordPress.

In Directory: Leave a blank column, so that WordPress will be installed directly on your domain.

If you're installing sub-folder like 'wp', then your website will not load directly. This will make your website load with folder name like ""

Admin Username: Enter a Username of your WordPress Dashboard.

Admin Password: Enter a Password of your WordPress Dashboard login.

Admin Email: Enter a valid email address.

Step 6: Once all the information filled, click on the install button to install WordPress. The WordPress installation may take 1-2 min of time. Please be patient until WordPress installation completes.

Step 7: Once WordPress installed, it will show WordPress admin login credentials with the dashboard URL.


Step 8: Visit your website on the browser. Your website will show the WordPress default page.

Following the above step, you can easily install WordPress using the softaculous apps installer

How to Uninstall the existing WordPress Website:

If you want to uninstall your existing WordPress website which is already installed, you can uninstall it using the below steps.

Step 1: In WordPress panel >> the installed WordPress apps will be shown like below image

Step 2: Click the delete icon (the red - Xicon )

Step 3: Then your app will be uninstalled.

Following the above, you can uninstall Wordpress app.

If you need any assistance in this regard, you can contact us at

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