Installing a Free SSL via the cPanel AutoSSL Feature

<div class="page-header"> </div> <dl class="article-info muted"> <dt class="article-info-term"> </dt> </dl> <div itemprop="articleBody"> <h1> <span style={{ fontWeight: "400" }}> Installing a Free SSL via the cPanel AutoSSL Feature </span> </h1> <br /> <p>Here is how to initiate an AutoSSL check from your cPanel account.</p> <ol> <li> <span style={{ fontWeight: "400" }}> Log into your cPanel account and navigate to SSL/TLS Status in the Security section. </span> </li> </ol> <img title="cPanel SSL Installation" src="" alt="cPanel SSL Installation" width="1202" height="251" /> <br /> <br /> <ol start="2"> <li> <span style={{ fontWeight: "400" }}> Click the domain(s) you'd like to install a SSL on and click Run AutoSSL. </span> </li> </ol> <img title="cPanel SSL Installation" src="" alt="cPanel SSL Installation" width="1122" height="377" /> <br /> <br /> <ol start="3"> <li> <span style={{ fontWeight: "400" }}> AutoSSL will take a few minutes to finish. When it completes successfully the page will update with a success notification. </span> </li> </ol> <br /> <ol start="4"> <li> <span style={{ fontWeight: "400" }}> Next cPanel will automatically poll Comodo for a new SSL. This polling process usually takes a few minutes but can last up to a day or more (since there are restrictions on the number of requests that can be made per day). Once it has completed your domain will have a new valid AutoSSL installed. </span> </li> </ol> </div> <ul class="pager pagenav"> <li class="previous"> <a class="hasTooltip" title="How to Reset cPanel password from HostingRaja ClientArea" aria-label="Previous article: How to Reset cPanel password from HostingRaja ClientArea" href="/docs/how-to-reset-cpanel-password-from-hostingraja-clientarea" rel="prev" > <span class="icon-chevron-left" aria-hidden="true"></span> <span aria-hidden="true">Prev</span> </a> </li> <li class="next"> <a class="hasTooltip" title="Reseller cPanel invoice credits" aria-label="Next article: Reseller cPanel invoice credits" href="/docs/reseller-cpanel-invoice-credits" rel="next" > <span aria-hidden="true">Next</span> <span class="icon-chevron-right" aria-hidden="true"></span> </a> </li> </ul>

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