Managed the autoscale cloud

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Managed Autoscale Cloud

In cloud computing, scaling is a process by which we can add or remove storage and network services to meet the demands a workload makes for resources so as to maintain the availability and the performance when the utilization increases. Scaling mainly refers as adding or reducing the number of servers i.e instances which are active. being leveraged from the workloads resource demands. Scaling up and scaling down can be refered to as two dimensions across the resources and hence therefore capacity can added.

List of the virtual server in the cloud service. Under the "Status" option get to know the current status of the running virtual server.

Manage cloud
In the "Actions" section, there are three options like Manage, Delete, and Suspend as shown in the image below.


1. Status: The current status of the VM automatically refreshes every 1 minute. You will be able to see the current status of the VM like uptime, CPU/Memory usage and Root password. The options you will see under the status includes Node, Hostname, Uptime, CPU Usage, Memory, Boot Order, Root Password, SSH Public key etc.

2. Uptime:
In server uptime, if in case the server goes down, it can be found out here in this option

3. CPU / Memory Usage:
Here we get the CPU Memory usages of the VM.

4. Root Password:
Show's the option to get the VM password, and also you will be able to reset the password from this option.

IP Addresses

In this section, You can get the IP address assigned to the server. This IP Adress will be unique and just for your server.

IP address IP address

Usage Records History

In the Usage Record, you can get the hourly usage for the VM based on the Disk Size, Memory Size, and CPU Number. The total calculation happens every 1 hour. Here you will find all

Cost display Cost display

Resource Usage Chart

In this section, you can get the monthly bandwidth usage for your VMs.


Click on the "Delete" option to remove the VMs.


Click the "Suspend" option to dismiss the VMs.